This month's must be my selfish, self-absorbed attitude. After a series of my own unfortunate events I was brought face to face yet again with that huge God-sized mirror and found myself incredibly lacking.
I'm selfish.
I want to do things for God...as long as I don't have to go too far out of my way to do it. I want to help other people...as long as it doesn't cost me too much of my own time. I want to be busy at church...as long as I still get to sleep in. I want to be a good steward...as long as I still get to buy things I want. And the list really honestly could go on and on.
So, what do I do about it? That's what I wondered. I asked Peter how you were supposed to change something that was so deeply ingrained into who you are, especially if you felt like you had been that way forever?
His repsonse was, "What does God say about it in His Word?" (Typical guy, right?! Giving the obvious answer! Just kidding, honey! I love the way you lead me towards God!)
So, what does God's word say? How do you put off selfishness and become more selfless?
Well, there are countless verses that talk about "putting off" the old you and putting on attributes of God (Eph 4:24).
So, I asked God to show me how to do that. (Please refer to above NOTE TO SELF. ugh.)
What did God answer? Well, as I sat in a new Bible Study class I'm doing on Thursday mornings, just for moms, God spoke to my heart a task, a job, that would take me FAR out of my comfort zone, invade my personal space, and just basically take away any time for "self" that I have. It was a call to show compassion on someone in need. To offer them hospitality, my own things, and time with my family. It took me 24 hours for me to realize this was God's answer to my question about putting off my selfish attitude. How better to counter a selfish attitude than by bringing someone else into the equation that would force me to not make anything about myself? Was I excited about it? No. To be perfectly honest, I am still not. However, I have reconciled myself to the fact that if I truly want to learn NOT to be so self-absorbed, this is what God's asking of me.
Where did I gather strength to take the first step? The places that I've always found strength before...God's promises. He's never let me down.
After all, He knows each step of the way, He knows the good path He has for me (Jeremiah 29:11) and I know that I have to seek Him in order to find it - Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
So, no more excuses, no more hesitating, no more killing time...
Here I come Lord, seeking...