"To have a friend, you have to be a friend."
I'm sure we've all heard this phrase, or been told this, at one time in our lives.
Even the Bible speaks up about this topic! "A man that has friends must show himself friendly:" (Proverbs 18:24)
I have to admit I never really gave this a lot of thought, other than that it meant I needed to be nice to my friends. But lately, I've been doing some inner heart looks at myself and, like I mentioned on another blog post (http://deliberatelydeon.blogspot.com/2015/10/illusionsmy-hidden-life.html?m=1) I have recently realized that I have friend issues! God brought this verse to my heart last night and immediately this thought sprang to my mind: I want to have deep intimate "BFF" type friends, but I hold people at arm's length becasue I assume they are not going to be that type of friend for me. I have many great friends whom I love, but they are more like close acquaintances that sort of know me well. I still treat them like a friend and love them like a friend. Dont' get me wrong, I'm still nice to them and do things for them. I am "like" a friend to them. But I realized that I, myself, don't pursue that "BFF" friendship with anyone, and yet I expect others to do that with me.
The big fear here is that I have to make myself vulnerable and open up. I have to give without knowing what I'll get back. I have to be that friend to others even if they are not that kind of friend to me. After all, the true definition of "friend" is being selfless, putting others first, loving and caring for them ahead of yourself. That's hard to do because it takes time, and effort, and time, and effort, and love and grace, and time, and effort...
You have be invested.
That's what my heart longs for: a friend who is invested in me for the long haul. A friend who knows my deep inner struggles and problems, and doesn't turn away.
First, I need to figure out how to truly go be that kind of friend to those that God brings my way.
Update...I wrote this before Small Group tonight. Strangely enough (I mean that sarcastically!), our whole discussion tonight was about our struggle with real friendships and how we need to be vulnerable with people in our lives.
I get it, God. I get it.
So, here I go. I'm going to go be a friend to EVERYONE around me. Ok, that's a little intimidating. I'm going to TRY to be a friend to all those around me....
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
ZipFizz & Jesus
I love my ZipFizz. The thought of not having it makes me
have a mild panic attack. My husband would say that means I am addicted…but I
call it true love! What is ZipFizz, you
ask? I will gladly tell you!
ZipFizz is the drink that changed my life! Four years ago, on a random trip to Sam’s
Club, there was a very wise person there who was offering free taste samples of
this amazing, healthy, all natural energy drink.
I drank it. It was ok. But five minutes later my brain, which felt
perpetually stuck in a fog machine, seemed to change. The fog lifted. I no
longer felt like I was fighting a battle to stay alert and awake. This thing was a miracle! A magic vitamin and mineral concoction that I
needed to immediately invest in and keep plugged into! It saved my momma-brain sanity! Over the
course of the next year, I stopped drinking sodas and drank less coffee. I only drank my ZipFizz and water and
occasionally tea. I felt so much
better! I started sharing this amazing drink
with everyone around me! After all, who today DOESN’T need more energy and less
brain fuzz?
When I am in public and I pour my ZipFizz powder into my
water and shake it, I HOPE someone sees and asks me about it! I’m dying to tell them…for several reasons.
First, to help them! They need this in their life (seriously, you do...)! Second, to help me! If I get a lot of people
drinking it and increase its popularity then I never have to worry about the
manufacturer stopping production…because that would be a very sad thing…and I
would lose my mind! I shutter at even the thought!
The other day I was struck with this thought: I am basically a walking advertisement for ZipFizz. I am not embarrassed
to share my love of ZipFizz with others, or afraid to tell them how it changed
my life. I’m not even nervous that they
will turn their nose up at it or worried about what they will think about me
for loving it. I just do it. If people taste it, and say "Eww, no thank you," well, I tried. If they try it and like it and start drinking it, EUREKA! Another devoted drinker of the good stuff! Unfortunately, I am not
quite so quick to share other things I love deeply, that have changed my life,
that saved me. Like Jesus.
Why is it easy for me to share my love of an energy drink
with others and try to get them to drink it too, and tell them the benefits,
but so hard for me to share the truth of the One who TOTALLY changed my
life? I had to have a hard conversation
with myself.
I should care about sharing Jesus with people and
introducing them to His greatness more than I do about a drink. I should live a life that other people see me
pouring out myself in a strange way that makes them stop and wonder, what is
she doing and why is she doing that?
Enough that they are willing to ask me.
But even if they don’t , I should wear Jesus so clearly that I am a
constant banner of advertisement of Him…in a positive way! An advertisement draws people in. It shows them something they need. It shows them how their life could be better
if they had this thing. It doesn’t just point
out negative things or list all the side-effects of the product. Jesus isn’t a
product, I realize that! But I think a lot of times, we misrepresent Him. And it doesn’t draw people in. They don’t see the weirdness of our lives in
good way. They don’t come closer to
figure us out. They are repelled by us
instead. Jesus drew crowds of people.
They came to Him because he was doing things that were strange and good and
full of grace, and even though he was saying things that were hard for them to
understand, there was a pull toward him because of what they saw him doing, and
how they saw him loving people.
I need to let go of my fear of what people will think. Because if I am loving people, if I am
advertising Jesus well, they will come closer.
They will ask questions. They
will drink the kool-aide….wait….I better re-phrase that! They will embrace the thing that I love, because
they clearly see the great impact it has made on my life. They will want what I have to offer.
I want to love and share Jesus like I love and share ZipFizz.
Wow. That’s a phrase I never imagined myself saying! Or
anyone saying! Oh. My. Word. ZipFizz just did another good thing in my life...convicted me about my walk with Jesus!
Ok, back to the main thing...What about you? What’s that thing in your life you love and
talk about all the time? Do you talk
about Jesus as much as you do that thing?
If not, why? Let that thing be a
reminder to you, every time you drink it, drive it, eat it, wear it, do it, brag on it
(ie: KIDS!!) that you should be doing the same with Jesus. He is so much greater than all those things.
Share him with others.
Share him with others.
By the way…you should try ZipFizz while you’re at it!
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Illusions...My Hidden Life
Watching a magician perform a neat
trick with slight of hand is a thing to behold. Even though you know it's
only an illusion, it still amazes you! How did he make it look like he was
doing one thing, when, really, it was something totally different? You see the
hand he wants you to see, and are totally unaware of what his other hand is
doing. Even when you try to watch him carefully, you only see what he wants you to see.
Illusions aren't only performed by magicians. We normal people perform them every day. Think "Facebook"....
On social media we paint a rosy
picture of our lives. We let the world see the good hand. And sometimes we give
peeks into our real struggles. Usually only when we are desperate enough to ask for prayer or help. But often we only show the illusion. After all,
what would people think if they knew what our hidden hand was doing? The
illusion that we had it all together would crumble. They would know that what we were showing them wasn't
the real us...Illusions aren't only performed by magicians. We normal people perform them every day. Think "Facebook"....
I hear people talk a lot about the illusions and problem-free lives that people portray on FB, when in reality their lives are crumbling around them. People scoff at "those" people. But really, we are ALL "those" people. We all have parts of ourselves and our lives that we don’t blast all over social media. And I think that's ok. If you want to paint a rosy picture to the world, if you portray the illusion, you have the right to privacy and to keep personal things personal. But that can only be healthy on several conditions....
1) If you are married, you can't,
and shouldn't, keep one hand hidden from your spouse. You are one flesh. The spouse IS your other hand. To be in unity you HAVE to share
everything, especially the hard stuff, with each other. Sometimes, as I have
personally learned in my own marriage, we keep things bottled up and hidden
from our spouse, maybe because we want to protect them or don't want them to worry. Or we keep things to ourselves because we are afraid they will get mad, or it will stir up more strife...so
instead, we continue the illusion. This is extremely dangerous to a healthy
marriage because, before you know it, that one hidden thing has blossomed in
multiple hidden feelings, hurts, thoughts, and behaviors, and your whole marriage
has turned into just a show. It literally becomes a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. So talk to each other...with open hands! Be honest, even when it's hard. Share the truth of your feelings with grace. Because if you avoid the hard talks, you are left with only the illusion. You are left with one hand doing one thing and the other doing it's own thing and nothing getting done and just a big ol' mess! And that will be harder to deal with than the hardest of "deep" talks.
2) Share your secrets with a
trustworthy sidekick. You
need to have people in your life who DO know what's really going on. They are
there to help you and walk along side you. They encourage you and give you the
necessary tools to get through the hard moments. They can be your sounding
board when you’re trying to work through something. They can let you know if something is a good
idea or a bad idea. They help you carry your heavy bag of tricks and let you
lean on them if the show falls apart. Basically, you need an outsider (NOT your
spouse…and I would say not even a family member) who knows all your junk. They are a neutral party. They are there just to be your sidekick. This
only works though, if, again, you talk to them…with truthful, open hands!
…Honestly, I fail at this one. I’ve
come to realize lately that I keep people at an arm’s length. I perform in front of them, draw them in, put
on a good show, but I don’t really let them know what’s going
on. I am great a surface friendships! (Doesn’t
that sound lovely and alluring!) I have tons of friends. I do. But as for
soul-baring deep confession friends? Not so much. I’m horrible at letting
people see past the illusion. My trick
of the trade is to let my guard down just enough to show some vulnerability,
but keep it in place enough to also protect myself from sharing the truth. I'm a control freak and I think should be able to walk myself through success. Also, I’m afraid…Afraid they’ll see my failures, my
struggles, and they won’t see me the same, afraid they’ll see me as a fraud. The problem is, I long for intimate
friendships, but I build walls to keep them away. I’ve only recently realized that I’ve kind of
always been this way. Even as a child, I over-analyzed everything, every nuance
(except I didn’t know what that word was!) of every relationship. It’s like I am always trying to figure out
what people expect of me before I let down the wall so that I know how to
perform the best and best control the situation. Letting down those walls...well, sheesh, when you figure it out, let me know how to do it!
Don’t trick yourself. Ok, so, really, this is probably the first step to gaining a true side-kick and letting those walls down (which means I need to work on this one as well...ugh...why I am writing this?!). If you want to be a "one-man-show", you can. You will be in control of each action and show. But, ultimately, the best shows have sidekicks. If you trick yourself into thinking you don't need help, you'll fail. So don't trick yourself. That means you have
to be real and honest with who you are, what your strengths are and what your
limitations are. You have to admit to yourself those areas where you are creating
illusion. You have to allow people to give you pointers and criticism and you have to be willing to ask for help. Why? Because if you don’t, you
start to live your whole life on a stage. You lose who you are. And that would be a very lonely existence.
Remember the Stage Manager/Director/Producer sees everything…Yes, I’m talking about God. He is not fooled by smoke and
mirrors, or slight of hand. He sees
everything you are doing. He knows best
how to direct you and sees your flaws when you try to do it your own way. He shakes His head when you ignore your sidekick or have hands that aren't working together. Listen to Him. Because our show is really His show. And His show isn’t about illusion. It’s about transparency. It’s about grace. It’s about representing Him. And He is the Great Redeemer of broken
people. He sees the big picture of the show and He knows best how to make it truly applause worthy...
So it’s ok if you don’t want to tell everyone on FB that you are struggling financially, or that your marriage is in a rocky spot, or that your kids are driving you crazy, or that you are mad at God for something in your life, or that you made a horrible decision that you are dealing with. It’s ok. I don’t even mind seeing your illusion. It’s a safe spot to be in within today’s “here’s my life” and "look at how great I am" world. I feel like I, myself, land there more often than not.
However, we can’t stay there. We can’t
live there. It’s not sustainable. It’s
an illusion. So let’s all be sure that
when we ARE on the stage, our right hand knows what our left hand is doing (spouses),
our trusty sidekick is backing us up, we aren’t fooling ourselves, and to
always remember Who we are ultimately representing. And grace. Let's always offer grace to all the other people who are performing all around us.
It's hard to be on life's stage.
Let's cheer each other on!
It's hard to be on life's stage.
Let's cheer each other on!
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Back to Egypt
It sounds ludicrous to us when we read that the Israelites actually WANTED to go back to Egypt and be slaves again, slaves where their lives were “bitter with hard bondage” instead of going forward to what God had waiting for them in the Promised Land. But we do it. The exact same thing.
We go back to poor choices we've made in the past. Or stay in the places we are when we know it's time to move on.The children of Jacob were first led to Egypt as a direct result of selling their brother, Joseph, into slavery. So, they kind of enslaved themselves...(Read the story of Joseph in Genesis 37 – 46…it’s a good read, with sibling rivalry and jealousy, slave trade and prison, famine and heroes, even sex... it’s pretty much got it all!).
I never realized that selling their brother into slavery is what ultimately led them to be enslaved themselves almost 100 years later. The Pharaoh during Joseph’s time loved him and welcomed his family. But when Joseph died, and that Pharaoh died, a new King rose over Egypt and the new Kind didn’t like this super-procreating group of foreigners who didn’t worship him and were living in his land…so he started forcing them to work for him. Exodus 1:11 says “Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens.” And verse 14 says “And the (Egyptians) made the children of Israel’s lives bitter with hard bondage”. As the years raged on, their bondage and enslavement and abuse worsened. Finally, none of the Israelites alive could even remember a time when they were living free. They maybe didn't remember that the poor choices of their forefathers, enslaving one of their brothers, had brought them to this very enslavement. They longed for freedom from their oppressors.
So, here they stood, free, and almost within arm’s grasp of the promise of God. And they faltered. It looked like it might be hard. After all, there are giants in them there hills! And huge cities with even bigger walls. The fruit is good, sure. But getting to the good fruit is hard! Ok, seriously, you have to read this! This is what they said once they heard the report of the land (Numbers 14:1-4):
“So all the congregation lifted up their voices and
cried, and the people wept that night. (Ok,weeping,
that’s understandable…) And all the
children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron, and the whole
congregation said to them, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt! Or only
we had died in this wilderness! (What?!
For real, you wish you had died in Egypt or the Wilderness rather than face
this land? Ummm…they continue…) Why has the LORD brought us to this land to
fall by the sword, that our wives and children should become victims? (Does anyone else think of ‘Real Wives of
L.A.’ when they read that drama?) Would it not be better for us to return
to Egypt?” So they said to one another, “Let us select a leader and return to
Are you kidding me?
It sounds ludicrous to us when we read that they actually
WANTED to go back to Egypt and be slaves again, slaves where their lives were “bitter
with hard bondage” instead of going forward to what God had waiting for
them. But we do it. The exact same thing.
We choose our way.
We choose sin. We choose the easy road.
We choose the known way. We choose to keep going back to our Egypt
instead of shaking off those slavery clothes and putting on the clothes of
freedom that Christ offers. We let the
enemy convince us that it was easier when we did things the old way. We listen as he whispers in our ear that we
were happier in bondage. But we weren’t. We were not!
And we will never be.
God looked at them and said, You want to die in the
Wilderness, in mindless wanderings and no place to call home, go for it. And that’s what they did. They walked in circles for 40 years, homeless…all
because they were afraid of what God’s way might
cost them. What did their way cost
them? Their lives. Watching their
children grow up in the middle of nothing, as nomads. Never seeing the fullness of the promise of
God. All because their hearts yearned to go back to
So, today, I am searching my heart. I know I have several “Egypt” moments in
there. What are some things that I’m
refusing to let go of. What are some
seasons of my life that I need to move on from?
I can’t go back to Egypt and forward to the Promised Land at the same
It would be easy to blame those Egypt moments on other people, you know, like, it's so and so's fault that I'm here, or that I did that, or that I'm this way. But, really, God allowed it. So it's not their fault. Just like God allowed all that happened to Joseph, and for his family to come to Egypt, and for them to be enslaved. My Egypt is my Egypt.
But, right now, at this moment in my life, I feel like I’m in the Wilderness,
on the brink of the Jordan, on the edge of the choice…
How ‘bout you?
Will you choose to go back to Egypt?
If you’ve made that choice before, take heart! God will bring you back
to the choice again. He even does that
with Israel! I’ll talk about that tomorrow! But for now…
Don’t go back to Egypt.
Don’t even want to.
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