Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sharp Turn Ahead!
Don't you hate it when you're driving down a road, just cruising along (ok, probably speeding in my case, but don’t tell Peter!), when seemingly out of nowhere the road suddenly veers to the left or right. You quickly slam the brakes and jerk the steering wheel, trying desperately to keep the vehicle from careening into nearby bushes or (Lord help us) a bricked-in mailbox, while you navigate around the curve! Your heartbeat accelerates and you sigh in relief when the road straightens back out and you realize you avoided disaster! However, the most annoying thing about this to me is that I always realize too late that there WAS a sign that warned me of the impending disappearing act the road was about to make, but I was too distracted to notice!
The other day when this very thing happened to me (and I swear I wasn’t speeding, Peter!), I thought in the aftermath how like life that is to me more often than I care to admit! There I am, cruising along in my day-to-day life, speeding through my days, cramming everything in that I can when, out of nowhere, WHAM! I hit a curve that I’m not ready for. I stress out, worrying about losing control, and try to figure out the best way to handle it…when all along, God is whispering in my ear, “I told you this was coming, but you were too distracted to get ready for it”. With a big sigh toward heaven, I remember too late glancing at that “Sharp Curve Ahead” sign on side of my life-road! Why didn’t I pay attention? Well, it was probably a number of things! Namely that I just get too caught up in “driving” down my road of life, living busily in the moment, that I forget to look for the directions God is giving me that may change things up. I definitely handle the curves better when I’m ready and paying attention so that I can correctly prepare my vehicle to handle it, without stress, worry or fear.
Those “sharp curves” in our lives, those times that alter the direction we thought our life was going in, well, they’re part of His grand plan. Even though it may shake us up a little, it may not be where we THOUGHT we would be, we have to realize that God sees the road ahead of us far more clearly and he wants to guide us and direct us on it. I accept that, and it know it will get me to the destination He can best use me in, and the place that’s best for me. On this 16th anniversary of the day God greatly altered MY PLAN for my life by giving me new life in Him, I am overwhelmed by the “sharp curves” that have protected me, guided me, led me, and graced me with the life that I have today. Sometimes I was watching for the warning sign and the curve was handled well, and sometimes I was caught up in myself, and the curve seemed to sneak up on me and was a little bumpy! I don’t like the bumpy curves, but I do know how to be prepared for them! I have to slow down, not get a big hurry, or think I always know where I’m going…I have to drive down this road of life, listening to my Navigator, and being aware of the directions and warnings He’s giving me. I love the journey He takes me on, and I can’t wait to see where it will lead me tomorrow…maybe there’s another “sharp curve” up ahead!
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A Limitless View of God
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