I have a love-hate relationship with dashes. You know, these kind “ –“.
The kind that get you from here to there.
6:00 – 7:00
Friday – Sunday
Beginning – End
Start – Finish
Yeah, those kind. Those moments in between beginning a project and finishing it, of actually doing the nitty, gritty, get-your-hands-dirty, time-consuming moments.
And that, my friend, is the plight of the procrastinator.
It’s not that I don’t want to get started. I do. And sometimes I start, but then I get that overwhelmed feeling that only that ugly little dash brings. How do I accomplish this task? What’s the best way do it? How much time is it going to take? Do I have that much time? Is it worth it? Do I even know what I’m doing. Why is this even on my agenda?
Oh, that dreaded dash. I really hate it sometimes! Don’t get me wrong…I am a consummate list maker and I love to have a plan, and nothing feels better to me than checking things off that list. The list makes me feel like I’ve overcome the dash! I’ve found the way to get from here to there! It gives me the false sense of security and makes me feel that, just for moment, I am in control of my dashes! But sometimes, the list just seems overwhelming and I’m afraid those things aren’t going to get checked off in a timely fashion, so the best plan of action seems to be to just ignore them. Maybe they’ll run away back to the dark corner of undone things where they belong!
My husband is exactly the opposite though. He lives for the dash, the dash of doing! Of getting things done! He is the hero of the here-and-now. It drives me a little bit crazy. Ok, it drives me a lot bit crazy!
No procrastinator wants to be a procrastinator. We want to be the one that people can rely on, the one who gets projects done early, arrives on time, is always prepared, and never lets last minute plans get under our skin.
But I have accepted that being a "dash-doer" is just not in the DNA of a procrastinator. That's why God places people like my husband in the lives of us lowly last-minuters. We help each other. Procrastinators typically work well under pressure and are usually creative people. I have perfect procrastinating mojo! God uniquely designs us so that we work well together. We "spur one another on to love and good works" just like Hebrews 10:24 says. Sometimes we spur gently, and other times we spur by saying "Get your butt in gear!" My husband is great spur-er. He (occasionally) spurs me on to keep running after that dash!
One day, maybe I’ll conquer it.
I think I’ll start tomorrow…
Ok, just kidding...sort of. But, for now, I would just say that I am tired of having undone dashes.
Procrastination is the thief of dreams. All you Dash-Doers out there (yes, you!), can you take a moment to kindly spur on us Perfect Procrastinators? We need your help!
We don't NOT do stuff because we just don't want to. We're mostly scared. Scared of failing, scared of not finishing, scared of what finishing means...we need you. Let's walk along side one another, and spur one another on to love and good works! Let's be dream-builders together! Let's do the dash!
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