Every time I try to plan out what I think God is doing, or is going to do, it never turns out that way.
Never ever.
Not one, single, time.
So why do I continue to do it?!
Because I'm a hard-headed control-freak who just can't let go of my tightfisted grip on my life!
I also DESPISE waiting.
Ugh. For real, friends? Why can't I just wait and see?
I just knew after we signed the paper like we were scheduled to on Friday, October 3rd, that all would be revealed and God would shine a bright light from Heaven and we would follow a star to the home that would be ours. All my plans were hinging on that moment. Instead, due to problems with the Buyers Loan paperwork, we didn't close on Friday at all. Now, we are scheduled to close NEXT Friday, October 10th.
All my plans for what God was planning fell apart...because God wasn't really planning any of that. Maybe He just knew that I was going to wake up yesterday and be upset about selling the house (see my post from yesterday!) Maybe He knew that I would have feelings to work through? Maybe He also knew that this was the best way to work through them with me.
There's no "maybe" about it, friends.
He knew all along that this would happen, that Peter and I would be where we are right now, completely moved out of our home, living with his parents, hoping our house is completely 100% sold in the next 7 days, and with absolutely no plans whatsoever of how or when to move forward, or even in what direction to go.
So, what should I do?
Well, maybe I should do what God has clearly been telling me to do all along?
Pull MY hands back, throw MY plans to the side, and just....wait.
Waiting is the absolute hardest thing to do, isn't it?
Sitting in a waiting room of anywhere you feel like minutes are more like hours and you are easily irritated at all the people who seemingly get to go before you.
Waiting in traffic or getting behind slow drivers? Um, road rage anyone?
Waiting in line at a restaurant? Well, now, that's seriously just the recipe for disaster. I mean, come on: Hungry Person + Impatient Attitude + Waiting = Ugliness that shall not be mentioned!
(I don't act that way personally. I just know people who do!)
My husband would surely chime in here (if I would wait a second and let him!) and mention how waiting on people to get ready and be ready to go on time is a serious threat to his blood pressure! ...I love you Peter!
Waiting. We just don't ever like to do it. But, sometimes, we just have to.
My daughter HATES to wait on anything. And I always get irritated with her when she gets irritated about me making her wait. Like I said on here yesterday, I am beginning to see that I am very often like a whiney little girl! I'm glad God doesn't get irritated with me! He just loves me anyway, and keeps teaching me, and keeps pushing me closer to Him.
He's good that way. He doesn't give up on us.
Even when WE keep HIM waiting.
And, so, here I stand, in the waiting room of my life.
It may be minutes. It may be longer.
But once He calls my name, it will all be worth it! And instead of getting angry and impatient while I'm waiting, I'm going to be deliberate, and do what one of my favorite songs says...
I'm going to (try to) worship while I'm waiting!
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