Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Stepping off the Ledge: Courage or Bravery?

I have an enemy who wants to destroy me daily. 
He hides behind me whispering doubts in my ear, he hides behind others and taunts me, he tries his best to connive and steal everything from me.  Because he desperately does not want me to courageously step up to fight against him. And he definitely does not want me to be brave.

 I was sharing something with someone today, and they responded with “Wow…that takes a lot of courage on your part.”  I laughed in surprise because I automatically thought, I don’t feel courageous…I feel scared!  But then I took a moment to realize that I lumped being “brave” in the same pot as being “courageous”, and really, they are completely different!  Courage is NOT the same as being brave. Bravery, by its very definition is “a courageous behavior”.  Bravery FOLLOWS courage!  You’re not brave first and then step out in courage!  Courage is the CHOICE to be brave, it is the willingness to confront fear, agony, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation because you know that something greater will burst forth. 
Bravery and courage are not the same.  So, if you don’t feel brave, that’s ok!  Take courage, friend! Literally…take courage first! And bravery will follow.

Bravery is the ability to confront things withOUT fear. It is a character trait, a muscle, of sorts, that grows with our confidence, an action born out of our courage. An experienced rock climber, for instance, scales great mountains and rocky terrains with confidence because he has learned the technique, and he knows that his supports will hold and when he jumps to that ledge or crawls out of the valley, he knows exactly how to grab hold. He is brave because he took the first courageous steps to learn how to do it.
Courage is where you start.

The first time the rock climber leaned over the ledge or looked up at the impossibly high mountain, when he was learning, it was scary, and it took courage to step out or go up because it was an unknown. Courage is not the absence of fear, or doubt. Courage is being able to do something that scares you, being willing to step into an overwhelmingly difficult situation, to face pain and heartache in SPITE of being scared, because of the reward that lies somewhere in the distance.  Courage says the struggle is worth it.  The pain is worth it.  Courage builds bravery muscles.  Courage helps the rock climber keep trying, even when they fall, courage helps them build their muscles, and get stronger, and courage gives them fuel to keep going.  And one day, they step out on that ledge with bravery, and little to no fear, because they have learned and grown and know now with confidence what they can trust in.

I’m pretty positive that God is trying to grow my bravery muscles!  It’s hard and painful and takes effort. To build a muscle, after all, you have to break it down. And he’s trying to grow yours too!  He says so tons of times in his Word. Joshua 1:9 is a well-known one…
”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

He didn’t say be brave.  He said be courageous, don’t let fear control you.  And then I love that he says “Don’t be afraid because I am with you!”  He didn’t say “Don’t be afraid because you can do this!”  He said “Don’t be afraid because I can do this!”  Like the rock climber’s supports and safety harness, God is our support and our safety.  He’s there to catch us and we can rest in him.  We can strengthen our bravery muscles by learning to have courage in Him in those scary moments.  OUR safety harness LOVES us deeply and cannot fail!  Courage says,” I know I can’t do this, but I know HE, the ONE holding ME, can.”

Another verse that jumped out at me lately in reference to this is I John 4:18

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has torment.  Whoever fears has not been made perfect in love.”

 Ya’ll, I’m here to tell you firsthand, fear does TORMENT us.  It is the enemy’s favorite tool.  It keeps us from being courageous, it keeps us from resting in our safety harness of God’s perfect love, it keeps us from going anywhere near the edge of ourselves, and it keeps us from growing braver.  It keeps us frozen down in the valley, lost in the dark, looking up at the mountains, but scared to reach out and move. Fear holds us prisoner.

If you’re afraid of that next step today, that ledge that God is calling you to step out on, take heart…for our safety harness surrounds us and he has overcome the whole world! So let’s go together, close to the edge of ourselves and be courageous and build our bravery together! It’s okay if you’re scared. Just hold to safety harness and get out of that valley! Go be courageous!





A Limitless View of God

 I’ve been thinking a lot the last few months about my tendency to limit God by the limits that I, myself, am most comfortable working in.  ...